Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Nothing like getting your mug shot slapped on to the press release where they tell everyone they fired you.

I'm sure the chatter in favor of Bill Inglis will be fast and furious among the Brahmas fans. I'll try to chime in later.

But for now, here's the most important part -- apparently, the second CHL coach to be fired this season is going to be replaced by the first one. Or so I've heard -- guess we'll see for sure tomorrow.

Meanwhile, the other shoe has dropped for Austin, as Kris Waltze goes to Memphis for goaltender Shawn Conschafter, whom the Bats have had their eye on for a month. Conschafter replaces Randy Hevey without consequence (they are both American rookies), while Waltze's vet spot now belongs to Brandon Carper. From what I understand Scott McCallum now moves to forward, and the team can also finally sign Chris Legg if they are so inclined (assuming Legg/Carper equals Bastien/Waltze, cap-wise).

And suddenly, the Rayz' forward unit is in critical condition, as Wingfield and Richardson sit time out with McGrane already in Houston. Hey David Rattray, how many games have you been suspended? Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah.

Seriously, if you missed the Corpus/Amarillo war-of-the-words, make sure you click on the preceding link for Greg Rajan's account. Rattray called the Rayz "a bunch of donkeys," while Wingfield said the 'Rillas "are a bunch of bluffers... All I get is threats and then these guys wait for the referees to come in. They're all talk and no action. I guess that's the way they've got to play when they're not tough. They've got to pretend to be tough."

Sadly, the the two teams don't meet again, but perhaps Legault will do his buddy's bidding on the 19th.
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