Thursday, April 03, 2003
Bill Inglis will remain behind the Brahmas bench.
Nice tribute to Smokin' Joe from a Thunder fan. 708 games played out of 728 is truly unbelievable. To do what he did you've got to be good, you've got to be consistent, you've got to play hurt. Less glamorously, you have to stay in the minors (see Don Parsons' unvarnished point of view) and stay in the same league. I was amazed to realize the other day that Brett Seguin, who spent his first four seasons in the Colonial (now United) Hockey League, has more career points than Burton in the same number of seasons. (So does Parsons. And all three have more than all-time ECHL leader Rod Taylor.)
But that's why Joe is such a treasure, he did stay in the same league, and most importantly, played for the same team. And oh yeah, won two Cups. I can still remember back in '97, the second season of the WPHL, hearing that Garry Unger's Scorpions were gonna pick up this guy who was a real good player for the Blazers. All I wanted to know was, is he related to Jim Burton? Crazy, huh?
Though I do think retiring 19 league-wide would be a little much. He's not Jackie Robinson or Gretzky -- more like a cross between Cal Ripken and Rocket Richard. Besides, then Andy Ross will never make the Austin rafters!
Hey, Chris, think you can get Express Sports to let you do a comprehensive financial analysis like the L.A. Kings let one of its fans do? Fascinating stuff.
Oh, and I forgot the two most important things about the Bats-Bucks match-up.
1. Matt Barnes. He just has to be his usual self to make the difference.
2. Hitting. It's hard to compare sitting 2 feet from the boards at Chaparral to being high up in the LEC, but I swear, New Mexico and Austin finished more checks in one period than the Jacks and Bucks did in all of their Game 4. But when you hit Laredo's forwards A) you can't miss and B) you can't take yourself out of the play just to get a lick in.